Hello, I have LyX Version on Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS.
I have to export a LYX-Document to MSWord. The document is encoded with Unicode (utf8), and the converter-definition LaTEX (plain) -> MS-Word Office-Open XML is set to:|| pandoc -s -f latex -o $$o -t docx $$i That works. In order to export a bibliogrphy, I changed the converter-defitiontio to: pandoc -s -filter pandoc-citeproc -f latex -o $$o -t docx $$i Without having added a citation and bibliography (I did not change the document), the error-message appears: An error occurred while running: pandoc -s -filter pandoc-citeproc -f latex -o "test.docx" -t docx "test.tex" The document did not change, still encoded with Unicode (utf8), there is no bibliography inserted that might contain an error, and pandoc-citeproc is installed. The same happens for an export to OpenDocument (pandoc) with converter: pandoc -s --filter pandoc-citeproc -f latex -o $$o -t odt $$i Does someone have an idea what do do? Thank you, and thanks for the wonderful program. (I am new to LYX and in the beginning to work with it). Thank you, André
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