On Thursday 03 May 2001 08:04, Matej Cepl wrote:
> I certainly know, that most of the users of _other_ wordprocessors
> doesn't know about anything about styles, headlines numbering, etc.
> However, it is certainly not the fault of these wordprocessors (well,
> sort of, but not that these programs were not able to do it). It seems
> to me, that author of User Guide made WYSIWYG wordprocessors even more
> dull than they are. If you ever "changed all of the section numbers
> because you deleted an old section" in these wordprocessors, than you
> certainly never read any manual to them (OK, unless you had M$ Works,
> but it is certainly not the program we want to be measured with, isn't
> it?). And so on.

To quote from my own LyX guide:

"To be fair to Word and other wordprocessors, there are things you can do to 
set up predefined styles, numbering etc.. I did this when I was writing my MA 
dissertation; unfortunately it took longer to get it working properly than it 
would have done to have typed everything manually, and when I came back from 
holiday, somebody had deleted all my custom styles."

Conventional word processors can do just about anything you can do in LyX, 
and even qute a few things you can't do in LyX.  The important point is that 
what LyX does, it does easily and well. 


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