On 8/20/22 17:16, Rich Shepard wrote:
On Sat, 20 Aug 2022, Rich Shepard wrote:

Okay. I'll post results.


What's displayed on screen is the first few lines (\put ...) between \begin
and \end document.

The preamble has the entire .tex file.


I've not worked before writing a plain .tex document. Long ago I had a book on TeX, but that's been gone for a while. So, I've no idea how to translate
that flavor of .tex file to .pdftex or .pdflatex.

I don't think this is a plain tex versus pdftex/pdflatex issue. I took a closer look at the file. In the preamble, it defines a custom environment named "roastlog" which includes some goofy (to me) font specifications ("Museo Slab 300 Italic"??). The \put commands in the body of the LyX doc are between \begin and \end commands for that environment, not begin/end document.

I've attached a LyX file in which I switched the fonts to defaults and, in the preamble, commented out the load of the xunicode package (because I'm using pdflatex and not xetex), all the setromanfont commands (you can try uncommenting them and replacing Museo whatever with some fonts you do have) and the graphics includes (because I don't have the graphic files). Your guess is better than mine as to why weird fonts are being used, but in your shoes I would be tempted to compile and print it (using default fonts) and then abandon the .tex file and, starting from scratch, create a LyX file that produces the same general output with fonts you like (meaning more stuff in the document body and no macros in the preamble).

Lotsa luck!


Attachment: roastlog2.lyx
Description: application/lyx

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