On Sun, 2022-08-21 at 18:39 +0800, pierig wrote:
> Thanks Steve, I have a lot to read.... I have started by 
> http://troubleshooters.com/linux/lyx/self_publish_lyx.htm just to get 
> along with your tutorials and the way you wrote them.
> As I am not always focused, I have tried to add that in my layout file:
> Style Dialogue
>    LatexType             Environment
>    LatexName             dialog_l
>    ParSep                0.5
>    Font
>      Shape               Bold
>    EndFont
>    Preamble
>          \newenvironment{dialog_l}
>                  {
>                  \begin{list}{}
>                  \item[---]
>                  }
>                  {
>                  \par
>                  \end{list}
>                  }
>    EndPreamble
> End
> But that doesn't work at all. It leads to what I was afraid of. The 
> first line of my dialog has the — sign, but not the others...

Hi Pierig,

If you're saying you want every line of the first paragraph of a dialog between 
people to start with a hyphen or dash, I don't think that's possible in LaTeX 
or CSS
or pretty much anything.

So, are you really looking for the following?:

 - Steve said, "My skateboard went down a sewer, so I fished it out with a rope 
 - and coathanger. It took an hour, but it was better than climbing into the
 - sewer, because there was a dead, rotting aligator down there and about a
 - thousand rats feasting on it."

 "Pretty gross, replied Pierig. When my skateboard fell down the sewer, I just 
 off the sewer cap and retrieved it. It only took me ten minutes. But there was
 no wildlife in the sewer."

 With a far off look in his eye, Steve said, "I remember the good old days when 
sewers didn't have rotting carcasses in them. Those were the days, when you 
get your skateboard just by climbing in!"

Is the preceding what you meant, because if it is, I can't think of one piece of
software that will do the preceding for you. If the preceding is *not* what you
meant, please give us a sample so we're all on the same page. By the way, my 
client gives me very little control over indentation, so please ignore the
indentation and concentrate on where the dash/hyphens go.



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