El dom, 28 ago 2022 a las 18:44, tush via lyx-users (<
lyx-users@lists.lyx.org>) escribió:

> I tried to look where the numbering (within the lyx editor) of figures and
> tables is defined.
> If I choose book doc class, a figure gets the number
> "chapter-number.figurenumber-within-the-chapter", whereas if I choose
> article doc class, it changes to "figure-number-within-the-whole-article".
> Nothing is mentioned about floats numbers in stdfloats.inc,
> stdcounters.inc or the like.
> I hope that if I will have the answer to how this numbering is done, I
> might be able to set nicely the numbering of a new float I want to insert
> into my document.

LyX follows LaTeX to do the numbering, and that means you need to use
either modules, local formatting or code in the preamble (the "caption"
package) to modify the numbering beyond the standard formatting. Under
Document → Settings → Modules it's possible to activate modules that
restart the numbering for figures and tables on each sections. For more,
you need to tell us what you need (roman numerals?, small caps for the
labels?, etc.).


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