
I want to write a layout file for the standard letter format
we use in our institution. I'm struggleing very early here...
I find the chapter on LyX layouts very brief - there really
should be something tutorial like. However, within the .cls
file I have a \begin{letter}{Prof. Dr. Hagedorn} which forms
the address and opens the letter environment. Somewhere later
there is the obligate \end{letter}. How do I transform this
construct into a LyX 'Style' ? My first attempt was

Style Adresse
        LatexType       Environment
        LatexName       letter

which gives the corresponding \begin{letter}...\end{letter}
in the resulting LaTeX file. But how do I specify the
recipient in LyX ? Typing text within the address layout
gives \begin{letter} text - which does not help.

Any ideas or points to additional layout documentation ?



Michael 'Mickey' Lauer . . . . . . . . . [EMAIL PROTECTED]
How could anyone know me - when I don't even know myself ?

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