Crash happens when the preamble includes the following commands:



In my test, crash happened at the insertion of a second branch, just typing
a character in.


Il giorno lun 6 mag 2024 alle ore 17:41 Scott Kostyshak <>
ha scritto:

> On Mon, May 06, 2024 at 03:06:00PM GMT, Paolo M wrote:
> > Crash happens often, not always, as I try to insert text into a newly
> > created branch.
> > Every time, I have to reopen lyx. Last modifications saved, luckily.
> Thanks for the report, Paolo. I can't reproduce. Are you able to try to
> figure out a simple recipe to reproduce?
> I tried the following:
> 1. New document.
> 2. Insert > Insert New Branch and I called it "blah".
> 3. Insert text into the branch.
> Everything seems as expected here.
> Perhaps you can only reproduce with a particular document?
> Does the crash happen after you type a letter inside the branch? Or when
> you move the cursor outside of the branch?
> Scott
> --
> lyx-users mailing list

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