"Kayvan A. Sylvan" wrote:
> No, that's good enough.

I just need "hyperref," right?  What is the easiest way to install
it in a near-stock RedHat 7.1 full install (just added LyX,
TeTeX-LyX and XForms)?

> The following code in your LaTeX preamble does most of what
> I want (with LaTeX -> dvips ->ps2pdf). You can read the
> hyperref docs for more info.

The problem with "ps2pdf" is that it seems to not "preserve" the
orientation of my paper.  E.g., if I use FoilTeX and landscape for
slides, the PDF will have the paper "portrait" with the output
"sideways."  It's fine for printing, but not for presentations.

So I previously used "pdftex" but it didn't convert the EPS graphics
before output (and lost them in the end result).  Hence why the
"tex2pdf" script was exactly what I needed -- and gives me both
thumbnails and hyperlinks in the PDF.  I get everything but the PDF

So that's all that's left.

> %
> % This is for good PDF production (with hyperlinks)
> %
> \usepackage[ps2pdf,pdftitle={Document Title Here},%
> urlcolor=blue,linktocpage,letterpaper,colorlinks=true]{hyperref}

Again, the hyperlinks come out great with "tex2pdf."

> No, I don't think so. ;-) I have the full power of LaTeX
> *plus* the convenience of WYSIWYM editing in LyX.

That's what I thought.  It's like being able to in-line assembler in
a C/C++ IDE.

> Yes, you can. Just mark it as TeX (or use the LaTeX
> paragraph format).

Which I do for "\appendix".  I'm _far_ from a LyX expert (although
everyone here in the local central/north Florida LUGs think I am --
GASP! -- anyone here in central/north Florida?), and I know even
less of [La]TeX.  But I refuse to write anything that doesn't use a
standard, well-documented publication back-end ever again after my
Word 95 to 97 "snafus". **

-- TheBS

** BTW, I was a contributing author on "Samba Unleashed."  I found
it humorous that MacMillian made me write in MS Word, but I had to
use a single monospace font and put "tags" before all my
paragraphs/lines.  They were probably saving it out as ASCII and
processing it with TeX or SGML anyway.  Imagine all the increase in
productivity they could have had by simply creating a LyX template! 
With Cygwin now sporting a full X-Server, LyX runs quite well on
Windows too.

Bryan J. Smith   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   chat:thebs413
SmithConcepts, Inc.           http://www.SmithConcepts.com
Linux 'Worms' exploit known security holes that were fixed
3-12 months earlier.  NT/2000 'Worms' exploit unknown se-
curity holes that won't be fixed for another 3-12 months.

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