I have 1st of july as dead line for a meeting abstract. Not much time to 
fiddle around. Could somebody help:

the one page abstract has to be restricted to 12.7 * 17.7 cm papersize.

I used layout>document>paper
and papersize: custom
custom papersize width 12.7 
                         heighs 17.7

Viewing it as a dvi or ps produces what I need.

However, if I export it as .ps and view it, the text starts at the middle of 
the page, the center part is not shown, and the last 3 lines are shown on a 
2nd page. 

Same, if I export as tex file, use latex and dvips

I allow me to include the lyx file and would very much appreciate help.

Wolfgang Engelmann
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University of Tübingen, Department of Botany, Physiological Ecology of Plants,
 D72076 Tübingen, Germany

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 Rhythmic events in plants are numerous and their period lengths cover a
 broad range from ultradian, circadian to annual.
 Even longer rhythms are found such as flowering in bamboo.
 Two examples are presented for ultradian and circadian rhythms occuring
 in the same plant species.

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 Leaf movements and hypocotyl growth are recorded with imaging methods.
 The resulting time series are analysed for rhythms by digital filtering
 and other methods.
 Electrophysiological methods were used to study the events responsible
 for swelling and shrinking of motor cells in pulvini.

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 The ultradian up- and down-movements of the lateral leaflets and the circadian
 movements of the terminal leaflets of 
\emph on 
Desmodium gyrans 
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are presented as a first example.
 In both cases specialized joints at the basis of the leaflets are the motor.
 How the motor cells in the two types of `pulvini´ shrink and elongate is
 partly understood.
 Less well known are the controls leading to temperature dependent oscillations
 in the minute range and the temperature compensated rhythms in the circadian
A second example for oscillations with different frequencies is 
\emph on 
Arabidopsis thaliana
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 After germination the hypocotyls of the seedlings elongate in a waving
 way (`circumnutation´).
 Ultrashort (10 to 20 minutes at 25C), short (20 to 60 minutes) and long
 period nutations (1 to 8 hours) can be observed.
 In addition, a circadian oscillator modulates growth: Periods of fast elongatio
n alternate with those of little or no growth.
 This interferes with the ultradian rhythms inasmuch as at low growth rates
 no circumnutations occur.
  Methods are described which allow to localize the different circumnutations
 and the stepwise circadian growth on the hypocotyl as a function of time.
 Simulations try to model this complicated interplay.
Many other events in 
\emph on 
Arabidopsis thaliana 
\emph default 
are governed by circadian oscillations.
 They are found in different tissues and organs.
 Usually the light-dark cycle synchronizes these rhythms with the 24 hour
 day via different photoreceptors (phytochromes and cryptochrome).
 However, other cues might be used such as the onset of imbibition of the
 This triggers a circadian rhythm which is insensitive to the light-dark
 Annual rhythms in the germination of seeds exist.

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Throughout development different oscillations control all kinds of events
 in plants.
 Their mechanisms, distribution in the various organs, mutual interactions
 and interplay with the environment are studied intensively, but much remains
 to be done.

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\emph on 
Desmodium gyrans, Arabidopsis thaliana, 
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ultradian rhythms, circadian rhythms, circumnutation.

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