On Fri, 6 Jul 2001, Dekel Tsur wrote:

- On Fri, Jul 06, 2001 at 01:24:59PM -0700, Stephen Carville wrote:
- > - \htmladdnormallink{Name}{http://www.url.com}
- > - In the DVI, only Name will appear.
- > - Another option is to use \htmladdnormallink{Name}{http://www.url.com}
- > - The difference is that with the latter, the DVI will contain Name, and then
- > - the URL will appear as footnote.
- >
- > This still means labelling the entire paragraph as Latex but I can
- > live with that.  Thanks to everyone who answered.
- You don't need to change the entire paragraph to latex mode,
- only the \htmladdnormallink{}{} command.

Oh.  I see what you mean.  I didnlt realize that LyX let me set
selected text to latex mode.  Thanks again.

--Stephen Carville
Government is like burning witches:  After years of burning young women
failed to solve any of society's problems, the solution was to burn more
young women.

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