Im trying to export html via latex2html but it don't work.

I'm using a system-wide big include file with my own /newcommand 
definitions like \newcommand{\firma}[1]{\textbf{#1}}for word 
formating purposes. So I need a way to include this for a html 
output. This has to be done automatic I don't want the users to do 

------- I did:
 latex2html -subdir -split 0 -show_section_numbers 

------- warnings output

*********** WARNINGS ***********  
No implementation found for style `scrbook'
No implementation found for style `fontenc'
No implementation found for style `geometry'
No implementation found for style `fancyhdr'
No implementation found for style `url'
No implementation found for style `varioref'
No implementation found for style `ae'

redefining command \url 

previous meaning of \url will be lost

Substitution of arg to newlabelxx delayed.

? brace missing for \setlength
There is no author for this document.

Unknown commands: var frowney rfoot suse fancyplain engl vref LPI 
leftmark nnwt smiley xwin rightmark option ibm sgi titlehead linux 
geometry lilo textmd lhead zZt firma DOS lfoot ALICE programm yast 
win IfFileExists nonfrenchspacing chead ms InputIfFileExists firma
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
     Why this?                             Why this?
nouppercase root cfoot ironicon befehl rhead headwidth name stichw 
menue wiikpr wiikserv wiikaserv wiikdserv redhat
******** END OF WARNINGS ********
Thomas Templin - Postfach 2519 - 26365 Wilhelmshaven

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