On Thu, 12 Jul 2001, Thomas Templin wrote:

> Im trying to export html via latex2html but it don't work.

See my earlier message from a few hours ago (with subject line UPDATE: LyX
to (html,ps,pdf) script). It's Perl script designed to do exactly that
(plus giving you pdf and ps along the way), hopefully with less headaches.

It's a 0.1 release which I only tested with some files of mine. If it
doesn't work with your files, you can send me a sample and I'll try to fix
it. If you change it yourself, I'd appreciate it if you could mail me the
modifications to maintain and improve this script. I suspect it could be a
useful tool for many people, if it stabilizes enough.

You can also download the script from
it's called lyxpub.

Make it executable (or run it through perl) and use it. lyxpub --help will
give you the usual summary of usage.

Let me know if this works.



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