On Thu, Aug 30, 2001 at 09:57:08AM +0200, Juergen Vigna wrote:
> > SuSE 7.2 does not have ksendfax, nor does RedHat 7.*.
> > 
> > Why have you done the above  ??
> > 
> > It worked perfectly !!
> > 
> > Now, I have to loose 3 hours of my work to find sources, build,
> > install , tweak etc ... I do not have those 3 hours.

SuSE 7.1 rpms are on


It took me less than a minute to locate, download, su, and install.
Haven't checked whether it works since I do not have a fax machine.

> > I work 12 hours per day already.

And that means what?


André Pönitz ............................................. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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