Juergen Vigna writes:
> Dear Sinisa!
> I will Cc: this to the developers list so that all of this "BAD" people
> know what you think!

Fair enough. Although, I never said you were BAD, nor bad ...

> Nonsense there are RPM packages for RedHat and I guess you can install
> them also for SuSE and it takes you exactly 10secs to install it!

Sorry, you are wrong. There is neither ksendfax nor xsendfax in SuSE
7.2 and you can not install packages from 7.1. Check it out. I have
all 7 CD's here with me. 

> You mean all our users who used the OLD fax facility and who are not
> dynamic enough to spend 10secs to install a program from a RPM package!

The issue is that it is not 10 secs. I have told you about SuSE and I
phoned my friend who has RH 7.1 and he told me the same thing. 

There are ksendfax RPM's on ksendfax SourceForge page, but none will

> > So, what should we do ??
> You gave yourself an answer above didn't you!

No , I did not give the answer. My wife refuses to install from
source. She wants, just as most other users to have controlled RPM
installation of what she needs.

> > 
> > What you could do 5 years ago with MySQL, you can do today. Are there
> > new and better ways today ?? Yes, but those new features do not kill
> > old features. None.
> Well I have a big smile now on my face, we're using MySQL and it seems
> it gets slower and slower at every release, especially joins with range
> values takes forever to complete on a medium/large sized database, I don't
> really call this "good behavior", but We probably see that from a different
> perspective that you "REALLY BRAVE" mysql developers!

Why are you changing the issue ?? I was speaking about removing
features , not about speed. I did not say LyX is slower or faster. 

I said that what you did 5 years ago with MySQL, you can do today. Are
there better ways to do same thing today. Yes, many, but none of them
killed the old feature. 

Regarding speed, 4.0 will be soon out and you will definitely see
speed improvements. If you have any questions on improving join
speeds, please feel free to write to me directly. I use LyX for all
documentation and it is fair to give back something in return
... Anyway, it is possible your join speeds deteriorated due to larger
tables, not because of MySQL. And you probably did not run ANALYZE
TABLE periodically to help MySQL optimizer do a better job.

> You gave yourself an answer already for this question didn't you!

No, I did not. My wife installed LyX from SuSE 7.0 and it sent
faxes. How can  LyX be installed from SuSE 7.2 or RH 7.1, through a
normal RPM installation. 

> How are people called who do personal emails like this one to OpenSource
> developers, ..., hmm, ..., let me think, ..., ah I got it, I think the
> right term I heard on the net was "Lamers" isn't it? There are people
> who terminated projects because of people like you, but you know, I'm
> just to happy with my life to let me touch by such "overbearingness"!
> Have a nice day,
>          Jürgen
> --
> -._-._-._-._-._-._-._-._-._-._-._-._-._-._-._-._-._-._-._-._-._-._-._
> Dr. Jürgen Vigna        E-Mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Italienallee 13/N       Tel/Fax: +39-0471-450260 / +39-0471-450253
> I-39100 Bozen           Web:     http://www.sad.it/~jug
> -._-._-._-._-._-._-._-._-._-._-._-._-._-._-._-._-._-._-._-._-._-._-._
> Great acts are made up of small deeds.
>                 -- Lao Tsu

No, I am not a 'Lamer'. I just ask: Why kill something that works fine

And fax sending from previous LyX worked perfectly. 

We should learn from competition if we are not sure. 

Even that rubbish of MS Word has fax sending in the same place it was
5 years ago ....

   __  ___     ___ ____  __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /    Mr. Sinisa Milivojevic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   MySQL AB, FullTime Developer
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   Larnaca, Cyprus
       <___/   www.mysql.com

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