On Mon, 15 Oct 2001, Sony Antony wrote:

> I ve been trying to make lyx work with Red Hat 7.1 ( 2.4 kernel ).
> I got the latest src.rpm. It looks like it needs xforms as a prerequisite.
> I got the .88-2 of xforms and finished the compilation. ( Though xforms was an 
>src.rpm it didn t look
> like it had any actual src files. I didn t see any actual compilations ).
> But when lyx comes up after the first dialog box it core dumps. Though I searched 
>the web I could not
> get a solutions. ( I found a reference mentioning the same problem ).
> My first priority is to make lyx work in RedHat 7.1. Is there any way at all. Is 
>there anybody out there
> who has done this successfully.
> Also people seems to be thinking xforms as crude. I also understand that it s not a 
>GPL d software (
> which might explain why it didn t do a compile for an src.rpm ). Given these is 
>there a reason why lyx
> team decided to use it.
> Thanks
> sony
Hello sony,

In order to compile lyx on an RedHat 7.1 Box you need lyx-1.1.6fix3. Prior
to this release the gcc 2.96.?? that comes with RedHat won't compile it.
In addition you need xforms. While it is not GPLed, there will be
alternate GUIs (gtk, QT) in LyX 1.2.0 some time in the future. You can 
find xforms-0.89-5*rpms on ftp.lyx.org. Get the version under linux/elf 
and do a rpm -Uvh xforms* If you want to compile from source also get the 
source- and header-rpms and install them.

Unpack lyx-1.1.6fix3.tar.gz and do an ./configure in the directory. It 
should tell you if there is anything missing. If not, do a make && make
install strip, wait a couple minutes and everything should be fine. The
installed programms should be in /usr/local/bin. Move them if that 
directory is not in your PATH. IIRC there is also an option in the 
configure-scipt (do a ./configure --help to see the options)

Let me know, if you have any problem.

Have fun,


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