On Monday 17 December 2001 09.54, Helgi Örn wrote:
> Hello all!
> For a while I've been trying to figure out how to format the chapter titles
> the way I want them in a book am writing, but I can't get it right at all.
> I have taken a look at <http://www.lyx.org/help/layouts/chapter.php>
> several times and it doesn't help me at all *use the koma class* f.ex.
> doesn't tell me anything.  *With the option nochapterprefix in
> layout->document->extra option* isn't of help either since there isn't any
> *options* in
> layout->document->extra (1.1.6fix3)!
> What I want is only the chapter number (without a leading *chapter*), I
> want it to be centered vertically and I don't want the next chapter to
> start on a new page. Is this possible to do?
> Greetings,
> Helgi Örn
Now I found out that there is a *book (koma-script)* Class which is probably 
the same as *koma class* (?), using it gives me a numbered chapter without 
the word *chapter* included. 

I also found out that what is meant by *layout->document->extra option* is 
supposed to be *Layout -> Document -> Document -> Extra Options*.

I still need to know how to center-align the chapter number and how to avoid 
making a new chapter start on a new page?

Helgi Örn

"Houston, Tranquillity Base here.  The Eagle has landed."
                -- Neil Armstrong

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