On Fri, 2001-12-28 at 13:16, Herbert Voss wrote:
> Martin wrote:
> > I'm trying to use the chess database Scid with LyX but I keep getting
> > this error, does anyone know what to do? Can't press H when I reading
> > the error log can I?
> can you give a short lyx example-file?

Here's a small one that produces the same error (as well as another).
The main files I'm trying to use only produce the babelsty error.

Martin S
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The real thing is signed with public key.
Available on request.
% This is a LaTeX file generated by Scid.
% You must have the "chess12" package installed to typeset this file.



\newcommand{\B}{{\F B}}
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\newcommand{\notenum}[1]{\hspace{-0.7cm}\makebox[0.55cm][r]{$^{ #1 }$ }\makebox[0.05cm]{}}

\begin{tabular}{r*{8}{p{1.15cm}}r@{: }l}
\multicolumn{11}{p{13cm}}{\textbf{ 1.d4 d5 2.e4 dxe4 3.{\N}c3 {\N}f6 4.f3}: \mbox{ +11 =3 --6 (12.5/20: 63\%)}} \\
 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 & 8 & 9 & 10 & 11 & \multicolumn{2}{c}{} \\
\textbf{1} & f3 \newline {\B}f5$^{1}$ & fxe4 \newline {\N}xe4$^{2}$ & {\Q}f3 \newline {\N}d6 & {\B}f4 \newline e6$^{3}$ & OOO \newline c6 & {\N}h3 \newline {\N}d7 & g4 \newline {\B}g6 & {\B}d3 \newline {\B}e7$^{4}$ & 4 & 50\% \\
\textbf{2} & ... \newline e3 & {\B}xe3$^{5}$ \newline e6$^{6}$ & {\B}d3 \newline {\B}e7 & f4$^{7}$ \newline {\N}bd7 & {\N}f3 \newline OO & OO \newline c5 & {\Q}e2 \newline a6 & {\N}e4 \newline {\N}xe4$^{8}$ & 4 & 38\% \\
\textbf{3} & ... \newline exf3 & {\N}xf3 \newline {\N}c6$^{9}$ & d5 \newline {\N}b8$^{10}$ & {\B}f4 \newline a6 & {\B}c4 \newline b5 & {\B}b3 \newline {\B}b7 & {\N}e5 \newline {\N}bd7 & {\N}c6 \newline {\B}xc6$^{11}$ & 4 & 75\% \\
\textbf{4} & ... \newline ... & ... \newline e6 & {\B}g5 \newline {\B}e7 & {\Q}d2$^{12}$ \newline {\N}bd7 & OOO \newline OO & {\B}d3 \newline c5 & {\Q}f4 \newline cxd4 & {\N}e4 \newline {\N}xe4$^{13}$ & 2 & 25\% \\
\textbf{5} & ... \newline ... & ... \newline {\B}g4 & h3$^{14}$ \newline {\B}h5 & g4 \newline {\B}g6 & {\N}e5$^{15}$ \newline e6$^{16}$ & {\Q}f3 \newline {\N}d5 & h4 \newline {\Q}f6 & {\Q}g2 \newline c6$^{17}$ & 4 & 88\% \\
\textbf{6} & ... \newline ... & ... \newline ... & ... \newline ... & ... \newline ... & ... \newline {\N}bd7 & {\Q}f3 \newline c6 & {\B}c4 \newline e6 & {\N}xg6 \newline hxg6$^{18}$ & 2 & 100\% \\

\textbf{4...c5} 5.d5 {\Q}a5 6.{\B}d2 e3 7.{\B}xe3 g6 8.{\B}c4 {\B}d7 9.{\B}d2 {\Q}b6 10.{\N}ge2 {\B}g7 11.{\N}f4 OO 12.OO {\N}e8 13.{\R}e1 {\N}d6 14.{\B}f1 {\N}f5 15.{\K}h1 {\R}e8 16.{\R}b1 {\N}a6 {\loss}(45) Jorgensen -- Paaske \emph{2062}, Copenhagen DEN 2001.

\textbf{5...{\B}xe4} 6.{\N}xe4 {\N}xe4 7.{\B}d3 {\N}d6 8.{\N}f3 g6 9.{\B}f4 {\B}g7 10.{\Q}d2 {\N}d7 11.OOO {\N}f6 12.{\R}de1 OO 13.{\B}h6 e6 14.{\R}hf1 {\N}f5 15.{\B}xg7 {\K}xg7 16.c3 c5 {\win}(61) Simons \emph{2215} -- Bolt \emph{2124}, Port Erin IOM 2001.

\textbf{7...{\Q}c8} 8.{\B}xd6 cxd6 9.OOO {\B}g4 10.{\B}b5+ {\N}c6 11.{\Q}e4 a6 12.{\B}e2 {\B}f5 13.{\Q}f3 e6 14.h4 h5 15.{\N}h3 {\N}b4 16.{\R}d2 d5 {\win}(32) Burgerhoff -- Middelhoven, Haarlem NED 2001.

\textbf{12.{\Q}g3} {\N}f6 13.{\R}hf1 b5 14.a3 OO 15.{\B}xg6 hxg6 16.{\N}g5 {\N}h7 {\loss}(52) Stead \emph{2125} -- Roza, Canberra AUS 2001.

\textbf{5.{\B}c4} g6 6.{\B}xe3 {\B}g7 7.{\Q}d2 OO 8.{\N}ge2 {\R}e8 9.{\N}e4 {\N}c6 10.{\N}xf6+ {\B}xf6 11.OOO {\R}b8 12.{\N}c3 b6 13.{\N}e4 {\N}a5 14.{\N}xf6+ exf6 15.{\B}d3 {\B}e6 16.b3 {\Q}e7 {\win}(60) Nielsen \emph{2055} -- Zachariasen, Copenhagen DEN 2001.

\textbf{5...{\B}f5} 6.{\B}d3 {\B}g6 7.{\N}ge2 e6 8.{\N}f4 c6 9.h4 {\N}h5 10.{\N}xh5 {\B}xh5 11.{\Q}e2 {\B}b4 12.OOO {\B}xc3 13.bxc3 {\Q}a5 14.{\K}d2 {\N}d7 15.{\B}e4 {\B}g6 16.h5 {\B}xh5 {\loss}(20) Bergmanis -- Fry, Canberra AUS 2001.

\textbf{7.{\N}ge2} {\N}bd7 8.OO OO 9.{\Q}e1 {\R}e8 10.{\Q}h4 {\N}f8 11.{\B}g5 h6 12.{\B}xh6 gxh6 13.{\Q}xh6 {\N}6h7 14.{\R}ad1 f5 15.{\B}c4 c6 16.f4 {\B}f6 {\loss}(26) Mucerino -- Hoekstra \emph{2221}, Philadelphia, PA USA 2001.

\textbf{12.{\B}xe4} {\N}f6 13.{\B}d3 {\Q}c7 14.{\R}ad1 h6 15.c3 b5 16.{\N}e5 cxd4 {\draw}(45) Simons \emph{2226} -- Collier \emph{2239}, Rd06-Birmingham 2001.

\textbf{5...{\B}f5} 6.{\N}e5 e6 7.g4 {\B}g6 8.{\Q}f3 c6 9.{\B}e3 {\B}b4 10.OOO {\B}xc3 11.bxc3 {\Q}d5 12.{\Q}h3 {\Q}xa2 13.{\N}xg6 fxg6 14.{\B}d3 OO 15.c4 {\N}a6 16.g5 {\N}h5 {\win}(35) Stead \emph{2135} -- Kumar, Gold Coast AUS 2001.

\textbf{5...g6} 6.{\B}c4 {\B}g7 7.OO OO 8.{\Q}e1 {\B}g4 9.{\Q}h4 {\B}xf3 10.{\R}xf3 {\N}c6 11.{\B}e3 {\N}b4 12.{\R}af1 {\N}xc2 13.{\R}h3 h5 14.{\B}f2 {\N}g4 15.{\Q}g5 e6 {\loss} Van der Schootbrugge -- Feelders, Haarlem NED 2001.

\textbf{6...{\N}b4} 7.{\B}c4 {\B}f5 8.{\N}d4 e5 9.{\N}xf5 g6 10.{\N}h6 {\B}xh6 11.{\B}xh6 {\R}b8 12.{\Q}e2 {\N}d7 13.OO {\Q}h4 14.{\B}g7 {\R}g8 15.{\B}xe5 {\N}xe5 16.{\B}b5+ c6 {\win}(19) Savoia -- Vodopivec, Nova Gorica SLO 2001.

\textbf{12.dxc6} {\N}c5 13.{\Q}xd8+ {\R}xd8 14.OO {\N}xb3 15.axb3 {\R}c8 16.{\R}xa6 e6 {\win}(23) Jorgensen -- Edvarsson, Copenhagen DEN 2001.

\textbf{7.{\B}d3} c5 8.dxc5 {\Q}a5 9.OO {\Q}xc5+ 10.{\K}h1 {\B}d7 11.{\Q}d2 {\B}c6 {\draw} Hendriks \emph{2113} -- Veneman \emph{2185}, Hoogeveen NED 2001.

\textbf{12.{\B}xe7} {\Q}xe7 13.{\Q}xe4 {\N}f6 14.{\Q}xd4 {\B}d7 15.{\B}xh7+ {\K}xh7 16.{\Q}h4+ {\K}g8 {\loss}(20) Simons \emph{2215} -- Brodsky \emph{2528}, Port Erin IOM 2001.

\textbf{6.{\B}c4} e6 7.OO c6 8.{\B}g5 {\B}e7 9.{\Q}d2 {\N}bd7 10.{\R}ab1 OO 11.{\K}h1 {\N}b6 12.{\B}d3 {\N}bd5 13.{\N}e5 {\B}h5 14.{\N}xd5 exd5 15.{\Q}f4 {\N}d7 16.{\B}xe7 {\Q}xe7 {\win}(34) Osttveit \emph{2102} -- Skrondal, Oslo NOR 2001.

\textbf{8.{\B}c4} e6 9.{\B}g5 {\B}e7 10.{\Q}e2 OO 11.OOO {\N}c6 12.{\R}he1 {\N}d5 13.{\B}d2 {\B}f6 14.{\Q}f2 {\N}b6 15.{\B}f1 {\N}xd4 16.{\B}e3 c5 {\win}(30) Puroila -- Tanav \emph{2241}, Norlandia SEA 2001.

\textbf{8...c6} 9.h4 {\B}e4 10.{\N}xe4 {\N}xe4 11.{\Q}f3 {\Q}d5 12.{\N}xf7 {\Q}xf7 13.{\Q}xe4 {\Q}d5 14.{\B}g2 {\Q}xe4+ 15.{\B}xe4 {\N}d7 16.g5 OOO {\draw}(49) Jorgensen -- Traerup, Copenhagen DEN 2001.

\textbf{12.{\B}g5} {\N}f4 13.{\Q}g3 {\Q}xe5+ 14.dxe5 {\N}d5 15.OOO h6 16.{\N}xd5 cxd5 {\win}(20) Schumacher \emph{2169} -- Muenstermann, Kiel GER 2001.

\textbf{12.OO} {\N}b6 13.{\B}b3 {\Q}d7 14.{\B}e3 {\B}d6 15.{\N}e2 OO 16.c4 {\B}c7 {\win}(32) Houska \emph{2279} -- Connolly \emph{2083}, Rd07-Birmingham 2001;
 {\win}(32) Houska \emph{2279} -- Connolly \emph{2083}, Birmingham ENG 2001.


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