On Tue, 8 Jan 2002, John Levon wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 08, 2002 at 03:34:55PM -0500, Matej Cepl wrote:
> > Is this poor prospect true even for us, who are using GNOME?
> > I would love to get rid off xforms too. How long do you think,
> > that we should wait for it?
> The Gnome frontend is far behind the Qt2 one at the moment. You
> can still use the Qt2 version under gnome don't forget.
> We need more developers !

Or at least one or two that have a commitment to seeing a GNOME
frontend.  There is a strange historical truism developing here: gtk
and GNOME requests have been about as common as Qt/KDE requests but
we've never had anywhere near as many people interested in actually
working on the gtk/GNOME frontend as we have for Qt/KDE.

        GNOME is about as popular as KDE on LyX users desktops.
        LyX & KDE are written in C++ while GNOME is C with the
        result that gtk/GNOME developers capable of working in a C++
        environment are rarer still.  There are several C++ GNOME apps
        available but they still represent a small fraction of the
        developer community.  (Not that they really need that much C++
        to work in the frontends/ area since a lot of the work is done
        for them as a result of Angus's MVC work)

        Little or no hope for the gtk/GNOME frontend?

Allan. (ARRae)

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