Wow it seems that I answered this one yesterday, except that in that case it 
seemed that the clown hadn't even bothered to download the IEEE layout files.

Have you done the following.....
placed the files in a place where they can be found?
Run texhash from the command line?
Reconfigured LyX?
Restarted LyX?

probably not; so do in that order.

You should also look at this website
It kicks arse.


On Thu, 31 Jan 2002 15:26, you wrote:
> I'm trying to make a new document class, following the docs
> from LyX 1.1.5, where in 6.2.2 it says:
> "For the sake of example we'll assume that the style file is
> called myclass.sty and it is meant to be used with report.cls
> which is a standard class.
>    cp report.layout ~/.lyx/layouts/myclass.layout
> Then edit myclass.layout and change the line:
>    \DeclareLaTeXClass{report}
> to read
>    \DeclareLaTeXClass[report, myclass.sty]{report (myclass)}
> then add:
>   Preamble
>      \usepackage{myclass}
>   EndPreamble
> near the top of the file.
>   Start LyX and... [reconfigure, etc...]"
> I did all that, verbatim, except that the copy line was:
>   cp /usr/share/lyx/layouts/report.layout ~/.lyx/layouts/myclass.layout
> because that's my LyXDir, and there was, indeed a report.layout there.
> When I restart LyX and select the Layout->Document popup, I don't see
> "report (myclass)" as I expect.
> I must say, I'm a bit confused by the mention first of "myclass.sty"
> and then the subsequent instruction saying "myclass.layout."  I
> tried renaming myclass.layout to myclass.sty, with no effect.
> The file "report.sty" in /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/base/report.sty
> doesn't have a line \DeclareLaTeXClass{report} in it, so I assume
> the .layout file above is what I should be starting with.
> What should I do next?
> Jim

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