Some spam is so funny, I can't even get angry at it!  I have a legal 
question, though.  Does this mean that the members of this list are, 
collectively, the next of kin, or is it the LyX program itself?  And if so, 
is this 1.1.6 or 1.2 CVS?  We could see some ugly wrangling here; 1.1.6 is 
the elder version, but 1.2 may be able to make a stronger claim to being the 
"real" LyX.  My vote is that the money go into a trust fund to be claimed by 
version 2.0 when it comes of age. No GUI-indpendence, no inheritance.


On Friday 22 March 2002 03:38, Scott Ogun wrote:
> It is my humble pleasure to write this letter irrespective of the fact
> that you do not know me. However, I came to know of you in my private
> search for a reliable and trustworthy person that can handle a
> confidential transaction of this nature in respect of this, I got your
> contact through an uprooted search on the internet. Though I know that a
> transaction of this magnitude will make any one apprehensive and worried,
> but I am assuring you that all will be well at the end of the day.
> Let me start by first introducing myself properly to you. I am Scott Ogun,
> I work in a bank at the private banking sector
> A foreign customer of my bank died under mysterious circumstances in a air
> crash, until his death five years ago, He had a closing balance of
> USD$20.5M (Twenty Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars)
> which the bank now unquestionably expects to be claimed by any of his
> available foreign next of kin. Or, alternatively be donated to a
> discredited trust fund for arms and ammunition at a military war college
> here in Nigeria. The banking ethics here does not allow such money to stay
> more than six year, because the money will be recalled to the bank
> treasury as unclaimed after this period. The bank will now have the right
> to do as they please with this money.
> Fervent valuable efforts made by my Bank to get in touch with any next of
> kin (he had no known wife and children) has been unsuccessful. The
> management under the influence of our chairman and board of directors, are
> making arrangement for the fund to be declared "UNCLAIMABLE " and then be
> subsequently donated to the trust fund for Arms and Ammunition which will
> further enhance the course of war in Africa and the world in general.
> In order to avert this negative development. I now seek for your
> permission to have you stand as the next of kin. So that the fund
> (USD$20.5M), would be subsequently transferred and paid into your bank
> account as the beneficiary next of kin  I am assuring you a 100% risk free
> involvement. Your share would be 40% of the total amount. You should not
> entertain any fear as all modalities for fund transfer can be finalized
> within five banking days, after you apply to the bank as the next of kin.
> If this proposal meets your approval, then kindly contact me immediately
> via my e-mail furnishing me with your most confidential telephone, fax and
> e-mail, so I can forward to you the relevant details of this transaction.
> The email address to respond to is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> fax number: +234-1-7590244
> Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation.
> Respectfully submitted.
> Mr. Scott Ogun
> N.B
> (If you have received this email in error, please accept my apology.  If
> you no longer wish to receive email from me, please do not reply.  Your
> request will be honored).

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