On 13 May, To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On 13 May, Dave Tweten wrote:
>> Initially quoting me, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
>>>>What can I do to make dvips find the .eps files on some LyX
>>>>search path that contains ~/.lyx/clipart/?
>>>man kpsepath 
>> I tried that.  It produced
>>      No manual entry for kpsepath
> OK, it is my mistake, dvips does not seem to be able to find
> pictures in search path.

OK, this saying that it was mistake, was mistake itself :-)!!!

1) Try running

kpsepath pict

then put your pictures to any directory which is said by kpsepath
to be searched by kpsearch library (i.e., which has three /
characters in the end); I tried ~/.texmf/tex/generic.

2) It should be OK and I have successfully translated it with
LaTeX-dvips way, but pdflatex failed (it is apparently not able
to find images produced by METAPOST, which are not in local

        Any other thoughts anyone?


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