Am Mittwoch, 5. Juni 2002 17:25 schrieb Herbert Voss:
> Jörg Haug wrote:
> > i want to create a PDF-file with good resolution on
> > screen so i changed to type1 fonts. The text is now
> > O.K. but i have a lot of math in my document. If i use
> > matptmx or
> hm, with this package everything should be ok ...
> > euler i lose some minus sign and the bonds in my
> > chemical formulas (with ppchtex) are not present. Also
> > subscript and superscript looks very bad. Can i use an
> > other math font to solve this ?
> can you strip down the doc to one formula which shows the
> behaviour and send it?
> Herbert

I found the problem when i had a look on the included files 
of my doc. There was one formula with a bracket () as 
index. Now i use the [] bracket and it works well.


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