On Wed, Jun 26, 2002 at 11:58:39AM +0100, Jan Warnking wrote:

> I think I heard once on the list that png files can be displayed directly.
> Is this only true for the internal image loader or with the xforms loader,
> too? I have quite a few of them and not having to convert them each time I
> open my thesis would speed up things considerably.

xforms image loader, alas, does not yet support png, so they must be
converted. "Don't display" is your best option here :/

> xforms image loader. Status : Converting PS ...
> xforms image loader. Status : Loading PostScript
> xforms image loader. Error : LoadPS: no page written!
> Image loading failed.
> xforms image loader. Status : Error Reading

Another xforms problem I guess. Please supply the failing file


"I hope you will find the courage to keep on living 
 despite the existence of this feature."
        - Richard Stallman

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