Is there a graphics program which allows for easy inclusion of text,
    graphics and math stuff like symbols and subscripts etc.?


I looked into doing what you have done (using pstricks), but decied 
against it when I discovered that it was incompatible with pdflatex. It 
seemed to rely on some rather *ugly* hacks, and therefore I steered 
clear of it. However, getting good mathematics in figures continues to 
be a problem. I solve the problem by doing my diagrams in Mathematica, 
which can do math layout, but this is far from satisfactory (no gui to 
draw with - must write things like Line[{{0,0},{0,1}}] ), and is no 
solution to those who do not have Mathematica.

I know that xfig can do what you want, but I don't think it runs on 
Windows. I used to do math to some degree of success with Corel draw, 
using superscripts etc, but it's probably not the best solution. The 
ideal is to use TeX to layout the maths (since it's so good at that!), 
as you are trying to do... so perhaps the pstricks hack must be made 
portable to different output devices!


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