<<< Insert the BibTexGeneratedReferences via Insert/LIST &TOC 

Please recheck it.  Make sure everything in "" is in ERT! And the above
should be in 3 lines.  The part in <<< ... >>> is the normal bibtex
list you include in the menual.

--- Milos Komarcevic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 2002-10-25 at 15:54, Max Bian wrote:
> > 1. Put "\usepackage{bibunits}" in preamble of your master document
> and
> > each subdocument you include. Make sure to use "include" option. 
> > Forget all other latex code.
> > 
> > 2. At the begining of each included document, write in ERT
> > "\begin{bibunit}[unsrt]". Replace unsrt with the style you like.
> > 
> > 3. At the end of each included document, write in ERT:
> > 
> > "\putbib[/path/to/bib/file without .bib]"
> > "\addtocontentsline{toc}{section}{\numberline{}\bibname}" -- this
> makes
> > the references appear as a section in chapter.
> > "\end{bibunit}"
> > 
> > Additionly, add this ERT for some good. :)  -- It lets the
> > "Insert/citation reference" work as expected.
> > 
> > "{\renewcommand{\bibliography}[1]{}"
> >  <<< Insert the BibTexGeneratedReferences via Insert/LIST &TOC
> menu>>>
> > "}" 
> > 
> > And the final step:  Make a script (eg. name it mylatex) to wrap
> around
> > "latex" command.
> > 
> > ===================================
> > #!/bin/bash
> > /usr/bin/latex $1
> > /usr/bin/latex $1
> > for file in *.aux;
> > do
> >  file=`echo $file |sed -e s/\.aux$//`;
> >  /usr/bin/bibtex $file;
> > done;
> > /usr/bin/latex $1
> > =================================
> > You must go to Edit/Preferences/Conversion/Converters/ and change
> the
> > Latex->DVI converter to "mylatex $$i".
> > 
> > After these simple steps, it should work!!
> > 
> > Max
> Thanks for the suggestions Max, but it doesn't work for me.
> After I got rid of 
> \addtocontentsline... which gave me an error,
> I still get the same result as using the other method: as many errors
> as there are \cite's. This is one from the log file:
> ! LaTeX Error: Can be used only in preamble.
> See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
> Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
>  ...
> l.16 \bibcite{deGennes93}{1}
> Your command was ignored.
> Type  I <command> <return>  to replace it with another command,
> or  <return>  to continue without it.
> Does it matter where I put the 
> {\renewcommand{\bibliography}...} 
> sequence?

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