On Thu, Nov 07, 2002 at 05:48:54PM -0800, Chris Carlen wrote:
> 1. Does anyone here use OpenOffice to produce figures to import into 
> Lyx, and if so how do you generate the .eps files?

Not me. Maybe you could send us one of the .eps so we can have a look "how
wrong" they are...

> My interest at this point focusses on Tgif and Xfig.  Honestly I would 
> much prefer to use OOo Draw, because I am used to it and I will still 
> use OOo for other things in which the integration of the Draw program 
> with the other modules is useful.  Xfig and Tgif seem a little bit 
> crude, coming from the dark ages of UNIX GUI interfaces, so it seems. 
> But I understand as well that they are nonetheless very good drawing 
> programs.
> The question then is:
> 2.  What program is used most often, and what might you recommend?

I use xfig almost exclusively.
> Finally, there is one trick I'd like to do that was quite easy in OOo, 
> and that is to include equations in a figure.  I suppose with something 
> like xfig I will have to hand format text objects into the arrangement I 
> want to do this.  The equations I need in a figure are usually simple 
> fractions with a couple variables in the num. and denoms.

Either use the "combined eps/tex" export of xfig and set the formulas to
"special text"  or  use psfrag.


Those who desire to give up Freedom in order to gain Security,
will not have, nor do they deserve, either one. (T. Jefferson)

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