On Thu, 2002-11-07 at 19:48, Chris Carlen wrote:
> Hi folks:
> I abandoned effort recently on a document that I was preparing in 
> OpenOffice mostly because the equations looked really awful. 
> Furthermore, I failed at convincing anybody in the OpenOffice/StarOffice 
> world that they are not up to the standards that I think are needed for 
> professional publication.

I went through the same thing... the problem is that when you focus on
compat with Word, you also inherit Word's failings...

> Then I tried Lyx.  The equations I was able to produce within 15 minutes 
> of working through that part of the tutorial were so stunningly 
> beautiful, that I was immediately convinced that I must learn to use 
> Lyx/Latex.

Yup... I came to the same conclusion

> Trouble is, I have to do drawings too, and I have discovered that I 
> can't import the .eps files exported by OpenOffice Draw into Lyx. 
> Furthermore, the .eps files crash the ghostscript interpreter when 
> running most of the commands I've tried to use to fix the problem, like 
> eps2eps, epstool, etc.
> I am convinced there is something very wrong with .eps exported from 
> OpenOffice.  Which brings us to my first question:
> 1. Does anyone here use OpenOffice to produce figures to import into 
> Lyx, and if so how do you generate the .eps files?
> Since I have had so much trouble trying to get my drawings done in OOo 
> to be useable in Lyx, I think I might just give up and draw them over 
> again in a new program.  I have tried drawing some scribbles in Xfig, 
> and exported them to Lyx successfully on the first try, in contrast to 
> the hours I've wasted feeding the .eps from OOo through sequences of 
> commands to no avail.
> My interest at this point focusses on Tgif and Xfig.  Honestly I would 
> much prefer to use OOo Draw, because I am used to it and I will still 
> use OOo for other things in which the integration of the Draw program 
> with the other modules is useful.  Xfig and Tgif seem a little bit 
> crude, coming from the dark ages of UNIX GUI interfaces, so it seems. 
> But I understand as well that they are nonetheless very good drawing 
> programs.
> The question then is:
> 2.  What program is used most often, and what might you recommend?

I use programs for figures: (1) xmgrace for scientific plotting and gimp
for drawing. They both produce wonderful eps output that lyx has no
trouble with

> I have noticed that my SuSE 8.1 distribution of Linux has an abundance 
> of documentation for xfig, but there doesn't seem to be anything for 
> tgif.  This might move me in the direction of xfig.
> Finally, there is one trick I'd like to do that was quite easy in OOo, 
> and that is to include equations in a figure.  I suppose with something 
> like xfig I will have to hand format text objects into the arrangement I 
> want to do this.  The equations I need in a figure are usually simple 
> fractions with a couple variables in the num. and denoms.
> Any tips on how the masters do this trick?
> Thanks for comments.
> Good day!
> -- 
> ____________________________________
> Christopher R. Carlen
> Principal Laser/Optical Technologist
> Sandia National Laboratories CA USA
Kirk R. Wythers                         email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Minnesota                 tel: 612.625.2261
Department of Forest Resources          fax: 612.625.5212
Saint Paul, MN 55108

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