Norbert Stribeck wrote:

Since more than a year I have watched the list and the discussion concerning
the problem that LyX renders graphics only sporadically on fast computers - I still have the problem and tried the sporadic tips to solve the problem - without success for SuSE 7.3 and SuSE 8.0. I have tried to update from 1.1.6 to 1.2.1, but was unable to compile the sources - because of the cc1plus error. Now I have succeeded in part and feel that there might be somebody out there knowing the ultimate solution. Here is what I did:

When I asked to check the dependencies, the output was:
# rpm -Uvh lyx-1.2.1-1rh8-xforms089.i386.rpm
error: failed dependencies:
tetex-xdvi is needed by lyx-1.2.1-1
tetex-latex is needed by lyx-1.2.1-1 is needed by lyx-1.2.1-1 is needed by lyx-1.2.1-1
perl(Cwd) is needed by lyx-1.2.1-1
perl(File::Basename) is needed by lyx-1.2.1-1
perl(FileHandle) is needed by lyx-1.2.1-1
perl(lib) is needed by lyx-1.2.1-1
perl(strict) is needed by lyx-1.2.1-1
perl(vars) is needed by lyx-1.2.1-1

So I installed 1.2.1 from the binary rpm using --nodeps and supplied both and in /usr/lib (moreover, a symbolic link to was generated and ldconfig was run).

Now LyX 1.2.1 works fine (even xdvi and PDF output), but I do not even see graphics sporadically any more. Instead I get an error message in each graphics box telling me that the conversion into a display format failed. In fact, the message is in German and reads "Fehler bei der Konvertierung in ein darstellbares Format"


I'm in a similar (sinking) boat. In previous versions of LyX, the graphics would almost always render. At most, I would just have to restart LyX and rendering would work again. Now that I've installed 1.2.1 for RH 8.0 and using xforms 0.89 (after upgrading to RH 8.0), rendering just does NOT work at all. (Not quite true - it doesn't work on eps files created by R.) This is on three Intel PCs all running RH 8.0 (one is a laptop, the other two are desktop systems). I can't be sure the problem doesn't have something to do with Redhat 8.0. Or it may be that all the eps files I'm creating come from R (they used to render OK and they are eps files.) But I cannot fix it and have seen NOTHING on the list that has helped. Someone did suggest turning on debuggind ("lyx -dbg graphics" or "lyx -dbg any") but that just tells me the conversion doesn't work - even though all the software needed for the conversion is readily available on all three systems - I can do it manually - and if the conversion wasn't in the preferences I added it. LyX installed differently on each system. On at least one I had to even get it to just view in PS and PDF. Viewing in HTML gives a screwy message about the file name having more than one period and that dvips can't handle it. I have to rename the file so there is only one period. Fortunately I guess I can live without rendering in LyX just so long as it prints and views OK.

Just for your information, I always use "rpm -U --test" before actually installing the binary. rpm never reported any problem either in test mode or when I actually installed the software. There were no conflicts and it didn't complain about any missing software - LyX installed (as it had in the past) without any error messages or warnings. Everything seems to work except for rendering (and viewing on one system) out of the box.

At least for me, the rendering error message is in English. I miss the days when I could just install a new version of LyX and continue doing actual work.

If anyone can explain how to fix this I would certainly appreciate it.

Rick B.

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