A complete TeX newbie here...

my configure command reports:

+checking for document class aa [aa]... no
+checking for document class aapaper [aa]... no
+checking for document class aastex [aastex]... no
+checking for document class amsart [amsart]... no
+checking for document class amsart-plain [amsart]... no
+checking for document class amsart-seq [amsart]... no
+checking for document class amsbook [amsbook]... no
+checking for document class apa [apa,apacite.sty]... no
+checking for document class article [article]... no
+checking for document class book [book]... no

do you know where I can get those document classes - and where to install 
(Here using tetex-1.0.7-47)



\  Dr.Alessandro Magni
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