[EMAIL PROTECTED], Thu, 5 Dec 2002 00:05:52 +0100:

Thank you for all your hints, concerning Lyx-1.2.1 with SuSE-8.1.

1. Lyx-1.2.1-1rh8-xforms089.i386.rpm installed with --upgrade --nodeps
on my SuSE-8.1 is running well (at least until now).
The executables lyx, noweb2lyx, reLyx are installed in /usr/bin
instead of usr/X11R6/bin (the original place with SuSE), but thatīs no
problem. ldd /usr/bin/lyx  shows, that all dynamical libs are

Concerning the 'rpm failed dependencies' :
The content of the RedHat-package tetex-xdvi seems to be available in
the SuSE-package tetex, the content of the RedHat-package tetex-latex
seems to be available in the SuSE-package te-latex.
And all missed perl-packages are available in the SuSE-perl package,
what can be seen by:
rpm -ql perl | grep 'Cwd'         and so on.
A little annoying is the constant message: 'failed dependencies' in
the SuSE-Yast-installation-program, but thatīs because the
rpm-database doesnīt mark a --nodeps installation, and this point is
offtopic here.

2. The workaround of Andrea, for using the xclipboard for copy&paste
from Lyx to other programs, is a great help - thank you.


M.B. Schiekel:  http://home.t-online.de/home/mb.schiekel/

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