Hi, sorry for answering so later, I had some urgent work to finish !
Finally, I succeed: my bindings work, using META instead of the CTRL. It
seems that some CTRL+"something" (e.g. grave) combinations do not work,
I don't know why !
Bo Peng told me that the accent-xxx functions do not work with lyx1.2.1
however It works for me ! Here is my .bind:

\bind_file /usr/local/share/lyx/bind/cua.bind

# Accents
\bind "M-apostrophe"        "accent-acute"
\bind "M-comma"             "accent-cedilla"
\bind "M-S-at"              "accent-circle"
\bind "M-S-asciicircum"     "accent-circumflex"
\bind "C-M-period"          "accent-dot"
\bind "M-grave"             "accent-grave"
\bind "M-S-asciitilde"      "accent-tilde"
\bind "C-M-apostrophe"      "accent-umlaut"

Thanks for all.


Christian Ridderström wrote:
> :-)
> Yeah... guess you should get back to the user's list with that one...
> But... does none of the bindings work?
> /C
> --
> Christian Ridderström, +46-8-790 91 37           http://www.md.kth.se/~chr
> Mechatronics lab, Dept. of Machine Design        http://www.md.kth.se

Nicolas FERRE' (PhD)
                                 phone/fax : +39-0577-234278
Dipartimento di Chimica
Universita` di Siena             mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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