>>>>> "Martijn" == Martijn Brouwer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>  Can you show us the final link command you had when compiling LyX?

Martijn> If you tell me how ;-) I just builded lyx with make. I have
Martijn> attached the Makefile

This makefile is not very useful, I guess src/Makefile would be more relevant.

I'd like to know in which directories your xforms versions are, too.

What I'd like to see is the last big command executed by make.
something like 

g++ -g -O -Wno-non-template-friend -ftemplate-depth-30 -W -Wall -o lyx BufferView.o 
BufferView_pimpl.o Bullet.o Chktex.o CutAndPaste.o DepTable.o FloatList.o Floating.o 
FuncStatus.o InsetList.o LColor.o LaTeX.o LaTeXFeatures.o LyXAction.o MenuBackend.o 
paragraph_funcs.o ParagraphList.o ParagraphParameters.o Spacing.o TextCache.o 
Thesaurus.o ToolbarDefaults.o boost.o boost-inst.o box.o buffer.o bufferlist.o 
bufferparams.o bufferview_funcs.o chset.o converter.o counters.o debug.o encoding.o 
exporter.o gettext.o factory.o funcrequest.o importer.o intl.o iterators.o kbmap.o 
kbsequence.o language.o lastfiles.o lengthcommon.o lyx_cb.o lyx_main.o lyx_sty.o 
lyxcursor.o lyxfont.o lyxfind.o lyxfunc.o lyxgluelength.o lyxlayout.o lyxlength.o 
lyxlex.o lyxlex_pimpl.o lyxrc.o lyxrow.o lyxserver.o lyxtextclass.o lyxtextclasslist.o 
lyxvc.o main.o paragraph.o paragraph_pimpl.o ispell.o pspell.o sgml.o tabular.o 
tabular-old.o tabular_funcs.o tex-accent.o tex-strings.o texrow.o text.o text2.o t!
ext3.o toc.o trans.o trans_mgr.o undo.o undo_funcs.o vc-backend.o version.o vspace.o  
-L/afs/rocq/home/preval/common/lib mathed/.libs/libmathed.a insets/.libs/libinsets.a 
frontends/.libs/libfrontends.a -lflimage /usr/lib/libjpeg.so -lforms -lXpm 
graphics/.libs/libgraphics.a support/.libs/libsupport.a 
../boost/libs/signals/src/.libs/libboostsignals.a -lSM -lICE -lc -lm -L/usr/X11R6/lib 


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