I'm trying to install lyx-1.2.3 on my Windows 2000 machine.
It seemed to be successful, but I'm having a couple of

(1) I can't get the ".lyx" directory created in my home directory.
(2) I can't view the document with XDVI and so forth, and I have
    no export options to .DVI, .EPS, .PDF, etc. (which I assume
    I could deal with once my .lyx directory problem is resolved,
    so that I can input the proper configurations.

For the record, I'm using  CygWin with fpTeX, and Exceed is
my X-server.

When I fire up the "lyxwin32.exe" executable, I get the error alert from LYX

"Error!  Couldn't create directory:  
 C:/My Home/Lyxfiles/.lyx "

I can dismiss this error and run LYX, but I can't set up my DVI preferences
and all that (or am I wrong in assuming it's impossible without the .lyx 
directory in place?).

I've attached a copy of my "lyxprofile" file which is located in


Thanks for any help.

# Set up your home directory (in Cygwin syntax)
export HOME="C:/My Home/LyxFiles"

# Set up your Language (if you do not want English) by
# removing the comment sign (#) in front of the following
# line and replacing DE (for German) with your country code.
#export LANG=DE

# Set up Hostname/IP address where LyX can find an X-server
export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0

# ========================================================
# Below this line you should not change anything if you're
# not familiar with configuration of an unix application!
# ========================================================
export PATH="/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/bin:$PATH"
export USER="`id -un`"
export MAKE_MODE=unix
export OSTYPE=cygwin

unset DOSDIR
unset TMPDIR
unset TMP

for i in /etc/profile.d/*.sh ; do
  if [ -f $i ]; then
    . $i

cd "$HOME"

test -f ./.bashrc && . ./.bashrc

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