On Tue, 11 Feb 2003, Steven Homolya wrote:

> No, you should use quotes or backslash-space but not both. In linux, all 
> these would work:
> My\ Home/Lyxfiles
> "My Home/Lyxfiles"
> "My Home"/Lyxfiles
> My" "Home/Lyxfiles

I just setup LyX in cygwin on win2k last week.  Not too bad.  I strongly
recommend never using spaces in windows directories, and file names as
well.  Even though windows forces you to use spaces sometimes (Program
Files, Documents and Settings), windows doesn't handle spaces well at all
on the command line.

I've found linux to use spaces better, which is funny.  It's funny because
UNIX types avoid spaces at all costs, because they get in the way.

Just my $0.02,

Andrew Diederich

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