The outputs are:

$ ldd `which lyx` | grep fontconfig =>  /usr/openwin/lib/
$ xlsfonts | grep cmr10


On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Dekel Tsur wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 17, 2003 at 06:24:17PM +0530, S Krishnakumar wrote:
> > 
> > There have been a lot of questions and answers regarding math fonts in 
> > this mailing list. Inspite of trying everything that was said, esp:
> >
> > 
> > I have still been unable to get it working on Lyx, although I am able to
> > view the fonts using xfontsel. I am using a tetex 1.0.7 system and KDE
> > 3.1, QT 3.1.1 on Solaris 8. Also, I am able to view the fonts using KDE
> > Control Center -> System Administration -> Font Installer. Has anybody got 
> > the fonts working on Solaris? I checked the configure script to check what 
> > could be the mistake. It uses kpsewhich $font.$ext to extract the location 
> > of the files. kpsewhich is unable to detect the path location of my 
> > BaKoMa fonts and as a result, it fails. Am I supposed to install BaKoMa on 
> > my teTeX system? Nobody has talked anything of this?
> What is the output of
>   ldd `which lyx` | grep fontconfig
> and
>   xlsfonts | grep cmr10
> ?

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