On Tue, May 27, 2003 at 02:34:20PM -0700, James Frye wrote:
> On Mon, 26 May 2003, Andre Poenitz wrote:
> > Same here. The default spacing follow good type setting style. Exposing
> > them to the casual user is likely to produce bad typesetting, so at least
> > my interest in making that accessible is limited.
> I'd say instead that the default spacing &c follows rules laid down by
> certain academic journals and suchlike.  That does not necessarily equate
> to "good".  Just for instance, the default "new paragraph" action is,
> IIRC, to indent but not to add space.  Now if your journal wants that,
> fine, but for my own use I want no indent and a blank line between
> paragraphs. 

So do I, probably because it's not too uncommon in German typesetting.
For such things there are standard solutions and som of them are even
supported by LyX, in this case Layout->Document->Skip.

> Likewise I don't want a default 10 point typeface with 1.5
> inch margins on each side, I want a title that's left-justified rather
> than centered, and so on through many choices.

The point is: You can do that, but it hurts a bit. So if you really want it
and know what you do you can do it. But you don't do it accidentally.

> Of course there are some things that are indeed bad typesetting, I would
> defy anyone to give a logical reason why any of the options I'd like to
> set are bad in any objective sense, rather than just a matter of personal
> preference.

Proof by Authority ;-)
> What I would like is some sort of style editor that would let me easily
> change such things.

A style editor for logical markup would be nice indeed....

In fact, I think you guys have a valid point. And if I am taking a somewhat
stonger stance than absolutely needed this is because I don't like the
reasoning 'You have to make such and such easy because it is easy in
Word'. It does not necessarily mean, that 'such' must not be easy....


Those who desire to give up Freedom in order to gain Security, will not have,
nor do they deserve, either one.     (T. Jefferson or B. Franklin or both...)

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