Is it possible to make different words (or forms of the same word) point to the same index entry while including all the original words in the index? For example, I can make "simulacrum" and "simulacra" have the same entry by usng the same index label, but I can only then have one word in the index; i.e.,

simulacrum, 6, 8, 16

whereas what I would like is either

simulacra, simulacrum, 6, 8, 16


simulacra - see simulacrum
simulacrum, 6, 8, 16

(OK, not a wonderful example, since these will appear next to each other anyway, but it becomes more useful if I need to have, say, "Albigensian - see Cathar").



"A strategy is still being formulated."

Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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