Frédéric Wullens wrote:

> When I try to see eps picture in the Lyx window, Lyx uses
> convert.exe (I chose to do so) in order to convert the picture as
> either png, or bmp etc... formats. Having used the Lyx -dbg graphics
> function and having used by hand 'convert test.eps test', I could
> see that convert uses Ghostscript, perhaps to make the conversion.
> This is the message (below) I get and to be honest I do not
> understand very much of this. Could someone put some light on it?
> trying to use instead I kind of get the same error
> message as the ones discussed by Paul, Angus and Uwe last week. But
> I have to say that I do not really get the level of your discussion
> at the moment. Thank you for your help, Frédéric

Can you run convert on your file 'by hand', ie from a console window. 
The syntax is

convert your_file.eps your_file.png

If not, then you should address why not. One possibility is to 
'sanitise' the eps file using the ghostscript utility function 
eps2eps. However, I believe that this also converts a nice vector 
graphics eps file to a bitmap one, so you may want to address the 
root cause of the problem instead.


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