Hi LyX Users

I am a very happy LyX user, who find LyX to be the perfect tool for doing 
academic reports. I am a student at social science, at Roskilde University 
and here writing reports is the central thing of the education. LyX is really 
powerful at this and just what I need.

But there is something I miss in LyX: A new spell checker that work like  
âAuto Spell checkâ in OpenOffice Writer, Kword and MS-Word etc (or flyspell 
in Emacs). A spell checker that underline misspelled words with a wavy red 
line as you write them - and that provide the possibility to right-click a 
word, at get suggestions for the correct spelling or the possibility to add 
the word to a custom dictionary.

I have made my suggestion on the LyX developers list yesterday, and it is 
being discusses right now. I am curious in knowing if I am the only LyX user 
who is interested in this feature? If not, please say.


Janus Sandsgaard

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