Rich Shepard wrote:

> I gave up on the graphics format for this. I found another example and
> typed that into a spreadsheet. However, I cannot find any information on
> importing an external spreadsheet in the Users Guide or Extended Features.
> Will someone please tell me in what format the external table must be, and
> how to import it to a table?


This is much simpler and works for me (using linux):

- Create an empty table in Lyx with exactly the same number of rows and columns as what you have in your spreadsheet
- Open your spreadsheet (I use OpenOffice, but gnumeric works too)
- Copy the contents of your table (using ctrl-c)
- Go back to your table in Lyx. Put the cursor in the first cell, *before* (not in) the red entry-box
(Normally, if you click on a cell, a red entry-box appears for entering your data. You can then click to the left of this box to get at the entire cell)
- Then do 'Edit' / 'Paste external selection as lines' (C-M-V)
- Voilą


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