I've got an additional question about "fancyhdr package".

Where can I get it?

I tried a google search and found some sites that try to explain how to
use it. Some of them are explicit enough that even I might be able to
figure out how to use it, if I can get it. But I can't seam to find
anyplace that actually has an "fancyhdr package download link".

Can some one tell me where to get an rpm or tar.gx of a binary that will
run on a Mandrake 9.1 linux system with the 2.4.21-0.13mdk kernel?


      ?           ?             
        -=-   -=-        I'm NOT clueless...            
        <?>   <?>       But I just don't know.          
            ^          Joe (theWordy) Philbrook           
           ---                J(tWdy)P
                          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
      ?           ?             

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