Thanks for comments and I'll incorporate many of them.  I've have a few
comments below though

This is unnecessary. Only ImageMagick must be in the PATH, see below.

Unnecessary maybe but it works for me and all .exe's are found without error. Newer version of Sed definitely works better installed on root and addressed in the Path. I think it's easier this way.

Ok. It would never harm to have .exe listed in the path. But most of the users don't know what a PATH is and how it could be modified, see below.
And the Sed problem has nothig to do with the PATH. As Paul A. Rubin wrote, old versions of Sed have problems with the carriage return, which is used in Windows as linebreak, but nut in Unix/Linux.

>5. Install the latest version of Image magick; At the moment Image
>Magick site has pages missing, so I downloaded from

I mean, that this one is the version 5.5.6. The actual version 5.5.7
could be downloaded from:

This site works for me all the time, I even tested it again. And this link will also not work:?

But you are right ImageMagick 5.5.6 also works perfectly.

>The directory holding convert.exe NEEDS to be in your path IN FRONT of
>any Windows directories

This is automatically done by the installation process of ImageMagick

Not sure on this but it doesn't harm to check its there in correct place in the path though ;-). If it's not MS conver.exe will be invoked instead.

Yes, but consider that you can only debar problems with convert.exe, when you set the correct path in the file (I use for example two programs, which also have a convert.exe.)

Avoid to edit the configure.bat manually!!!

Disagree here. I'm not editing configure.bat and indeed state that. However, configure script looks for all Unix versions of files, by editing the configure script- simply cut and paste from here - all Windows versions are picked up in one go.

Sorry I misspelled, but also the file 'configure' shouldn't be changed manually.
An installation guide should be as easy as possible. Most of the users have never heard something about paths and batch-scripts. You wrote for example:
"I find the following an easy way to get configure to find all those windows format .exe files in one go."
But what you offer is absolutely non trivial. You used commands like '$ac_n', but don't explain what this does. The user should do what he write and why this is necessary and of coure if it is "easy" ;-). The developers invested much time to create user interfaces instead of changing batch-files.

I installed LyXWin today at work and after 15 minutes it was ready without editing the PATH and 'configure'. When I read your guide this evening I was a little bit shocked. It remembered me a bit of installing LyX under cygwin, which was really complicated and scared the users. But Ruurd made a great job with LyXWin. The only problem is the Sed. I'll mail him and hopefully he will provide LyXWin 1.3.4 with the actual Sed version.

And please don't misunderstand me. I want to give constructive critic.

But you could add the following:
Will do - cheers

You missed the link where the environment variable setting is explained:

This was all
regards Uwe

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