
> > Optionally, for graphics conversion you'll need:
> > ImageMagick. The convert executable needs to be in your path.
> I cannot guess what means "The convert executable needs to be in your
> path". Meanwhile, people at my department are still linked to WYSIWYG
> crap and feel increasingly disappointed

To find and Edit the Path in windows Xp: (Note : WITH CAUTION!!!!!!!)

Right Click "My Computer" icon
Click on "Properties"
Open "Advanced" tab
Click on "Environment Variables"

Bottom window should now show path

It can be Edited from here but ONLY WITH EXTREME CARE!!!!!! 

If you have installed image magick correctly then your path should
automatically begin something like this:

c:\im\imagemagick-5.5.7-q16; etc etc blah blah blah

Have a look at my Lyx on Win XP setup notes here for further tips:


Rob S

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