Does anyone know how to force Lyx to use other hyphenation rules
rather than English ones?

I mean, as far as i know you can break a word using a hyphen at any
place inside the word, i.e.,

This is reason-

However, in Spanish you are forced to break the word BETWEEN syllabes,

Esto es razo-

You can see an illicit hyphenation in Spanish below

Esto es razon-

I am (in love with) using Lyx since 4 weeks ago or so. When
hyphenation is more common (for example, a two-column text), texts
that should have beautiful layouts contains a lot of hyphenation
errors (words divided in the middle of a syllabe). This is one of the
most important obstacles for my ultimate adoption of lyx - see, I am
ALMOST adopted Lyx and its philosophy

Does anybody know how define a Spanish hyphenation rule using lyx? Is
there any, let's see, dictionary or set of rules or whatever? What I
know is that Openoffice in Linux hyphenates words in Spanish
correctly, using its Hyphenation dictionary, I think.

Thank you in advance

Juan Luis Chulilla

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