Angus Leeming wrote:
How do I write a subfigure caption so that it appears

(a) The initial, random network

the is the subfigure number and done by the package!

$N_{\text{terminal}}=138$, $\bar{\ell}}=13.3$

Ie, I want a line break after 'network' so that the formulae appear on
their own line.

I've tried '\\' but that gives latex errors.



ps: I prefer an additonal \hspace in the second line



\subfigure[The initial, random network\newline
\hspace*{1.5em}$N_{\mbox{terminal}}=138$, $\bar{\ell}=13.3$]{\rule{5cm}{4cm}}
\subfigure[The initial, random network\newline
$N_{\mbox{terminal}}=138$, $\bar{\ell}=13.3$]{\rule{5cm}{4cm}}
\caption{the main caption}



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