Herbert Voss wrote:

> Angus Leeming wrote:
>> How do I write a subfigure caption so that it appears
>> (a) The initial, random network
> the is the subfigure number and done by the package!

Sure. I just wanted to give a feel for what I wanted the final thing to
look like.

>> $N_{\text{terminal}}=138$, $\bar{\ell}}=13.3$
>> Ie, I want a line break after 'network' so that the formulae appear on
>> their own line.
>> I've tried '\\' but that gives latex errors.
> \newline

Many thanks!

> Herbert
> ps: I prefer an additonal \hspace in the second line

Yup, looks good.

> \subfigure[The initial, random network\newline
>      \hspace*{1.5em}$N_{\mbox{terminal}}=138$,
> $\bar{\ell}=13.3$]{\rule{5cm}{4cm}}

I have one further question for you. 

as opposed to
? I can see that \textnormal and \text produce (to my eyes) identical
output which is slightly smaller than that produced with \mbox. Are there
any rules to guide this choice or is it simply a preference?


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