Hi all,

I've just installed the new Mac-LyX 1.3.5, and it seems faster on my 120 page document than 1.3.4 was, so I guess the efficiency problem is partly solved (but it's still only about 1/2 as fast as LyX/Xforms).

BUT: there's another problem now: Math symbols becomes garbage! I've tried several fonts and sizes, and the result is the same. The old version (1.3.4) still works fine. (Note: it's just the LyX window that looks strange -- the LaTeX code and the dvi files are just fine).

I've put some pictures of how it looks and how it looked, together with the source LyX file on my webpage (I don't want to send images by mail):


regards, Peter Ljunglöf

--- Peter Ljunglöf ------------ PhD student, Göteborg University ------
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -------- http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~peb --------

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