On Tue, Sep 28, 2004 at 07:08:58AM +0000, udayan singh wrote:
> >> Hi ,
> >>
> >> I am using lyx with the document class ? ?SGML (LinuxDoc manpage)?. Now 
> >I
> >> really tried to find some docs related to this class specifically, but
> >> couldn?t find anything really specific to it. I am facing some probs in
> >> documenting using the above-mentioned class:
> >
> >  There was some documentation related with linuxdoc generation in the
> >Extended Guide, I think. It should be there.
> There is some documentation but it hardly explains about the use of 
> document class 'SGML (LinuxDoc manpage)' . It more or less describes about 
> document class 'SGML (LinuxDoc article)' .

  The only thing that is special to the manpage as compared to article is
that you pass in the Document options:
title="MyTitle" sectnum="Mysecnum"

  All the rest should be the same.

  I can add a subsection just saying that, for the several reason I always
applied my time elsewhere. :-)

> >> 1. I am able to generate sgml (i.e. LinuxDoc)/ html / txt format from
> >> the myFile.lyx ( a document that I created in the mentioned 
> >documentclass)
> >> using the lyx tool. But am not able to create pdf page from the same
> >> directly.
> >
> >  Do you have pdflatex installed? I am asking this as linuxdoc can export
> >html and from there use pdflatex.
> >
> >  What tools are using to convert from linuxdoc?
> >  sgmltools? linuxdoctools?
> >
> Yes, I have pdflatex installed. I tried sgmltools, and linuxdoc also. Now 
> at times they work or at times they dont.
> Okay , I had prepared one document which is roughly 50 pages long. Now If I 
> try to get a pdf document for this one I get some output but only 4 pages 
> is what I get. Also the output is completely distorted.
> Whereas when I tried only for a page, then I got no output!!
> Dont you think I should have got the correct output if I directly convert 
> to pdf / dvi format, as I get in txt / html format ?

  Yes, I do. Just a small tutorial over the way as lyx works.
  The most used backend is latex. This means that lyx exports the document
to latex and then relies in external tools to convert that code to the final
format you want it to.

  The same applies to linuxdoc and to docbook. LyX exports the document in
each of this format and then uses other tools to convert them to the format
you want to.

  The only exception to this scheme is the text export that is done in an
heuristic way. (This means lots of hardwired code)

  The problems you experiencing are due to faulty linuxdoc tools, unless you
show me an example where lyx is producing ilegal linuxdoc code. What is
something on the line of: unless I'm convinced otherwise it is the tools
fault. ;-) I have seen so many example through the years. :-(

> >  They have some bugs, or missing features if you prefer... :-)
> >
> I mean why should I use the other tools, when I have a feature in lyx to 
> get the output in the required format.

  The question as I tried to point before is that lyx is using those tools.
I have plans for implement direct filters from the lyx format to other
formats, the manpages being one of them, xhtml another. Thecnically is not
so difficult as lyx2lyx has been evolving to a library of python functions
able to deal with the lyx format.

  But this will be the future and are not there yet.

  Something that could work as a hack, is to change the document class to
latex article and you should get a good pdf. This is a hack but the objectif
is to gave you a working pdf.

> >> 2. Now sometimes ( or many times though not every time) I can create
> >> these pdf files using some other tools: e.g. docbook2pdf or pdflatex, 
> >but
> >> they cannot be really used since the output is really not good looking.
> >
> >  What is docbook2pdf doing here? :-)
> >
> >  It shouldn't be possible to use it here.
> >
> It is not, I tried. Gives some Error.


> >> Which further points me to this one  :
> >> http://www.karakas-online.de/mySGML/
> >
> >  This site refers to docbook with lyx, not to linuxdoc.

> My mistake, I missed out that point and you are right :). But I thought if 
> I can get a 'sgml' format from 'SGML (LinuxDoc manpage)' (which I am able 
> to get for any length of doc ), but when I tried to convert to other format 
> e.g. pdf, then it doesnt work for the smaller doc as I mentioned above.

  Well formed html is sgml, and yet quite different from both linuxdoc and
docbook. So in a sense sgml doesn't say much about a format. The SGML is
there in the name to scare latex users, something like "Don't try this at
home folks." ;-)

> >> Now this one also does not talks in detail ( rather it doesnt talk ) 
> >about
> >> ?SGML (LinuxDoc manpage)?.  I read the document: ?Extended Lyx 
> >features?,
> >> but it really doesn?t give much info.
> >>
> >> I will be thankful if I can have some help regarding the mentioned 
> >topics.
> >
> >  Without further information I am lost. :-)
> >  You do have the example of a man page that is distributed with lyx.
> Found one :) . Thats better, but now the problem is the same. When I tried 
> to convert it directly to the 'dvi / pdf / ps ' format using the lyx tool, 
> it doesnt work.
> I got the error message, while converting to pdf ( not mentioneing the 
> complete log but the message that just pops out ) -
> cannot convert file
> Error while executing
> dvips -t letter -o 'linuxdoc_manpage.ps' 'linuxdoc_manpage.ps'
> Is this a bug in the tool ?

  Again what tools are using? Mine where produce a faulty latex file, to the
resulting chain will fail.

> Thanks for the reply, it was helpful but need more clarifications.
> Regards,
> Udayan

José Abílio Matos
LyX and docbook a perfect match. :-)

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