Perhaps a bit more definition of the problem.  When you do File...Print
with a destination of Printer, does it act as though it was normal?  Is
there any printer name in destination,  or do you have this blank with
the expectation the print will go to the default printer for your machine?
Do you have the targeted printer defined as your default printer?
The destination default can be checked in System Tools, Print Manager
from the desktop (assuming gnome) or printconf.

When you look at LyX Edit->Preferences... Outputs, Printer, is the printer
command dvips?  Do the command options look correct as far as
comparing them to your line command that works?

david wolfson wrote:
I've just migrated over to linux and no have to write a PhD thesis!
LyX has been recomended to me, and having used it for a couple of
documents, I think I am convinced.  BUT  I have one real problem; I
can't get it to print.

I'm able to print to a .ps file, which I can then print out with an
'lpr'. I can also export a .dvi that I can print with the 'dvips'
command. I can't print straight from lyx.

The help pages in the lyx version I've got aren't the most helpful (along the lines of 'well printing should be ok, and anyway, this is
a lyx help, not a printing manual!'), and as everything seems to work
independantly I'm inclined to think lyx isn't telling dvips/lpr the
right things...

I'm using version 1.3.2 on redhat 9.

Any ideas gratefully recieved,


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