On Wed, 29 Dec 2004, Jack T. Gill wrote:

I've been monitoring this list for a couple of months. I was intrigued by
LyX and it being a WYSIWYM program. However most of the activity I've seen
on this list seems to be from folks having problems tweaking LyX, i.e.,
changing the settings or adding ERT to reformat the output to what they
want. To me that's no longer WYSIWYM, but seems to be what I've done for
years with OpenOffice or in Word---typing the content and formatting the

Does anyone use LyX right out of the box (or download) without all the
tweaking?  If so, to what use are you putting it?


  You're reading too much into what you see. For the really easy stuff no
one writes to ask for help. It's only when you don't know how to do
something (e.g., remove the date from the title page; place a special
character, have multiple equations with one number and caption, put multiple
figures or tables in the same float).

  On the other hand, I'll bet you don't use winWord or OO.o "out of the
box", either. Never used Word (yea, team!) but have used OO.o since
WordPerfect bit the dust about 5 years ago. In OO.o one must set the page
size (unless A4 is your default), specify font style, size, margins and so
on for your defaults. If you want templates then you need to create those,
too. Nothing works for everyone as built.

  What sort of writing do you do? Have you produced documents using the
article, report and/or book classes? If so, do they meet your needs? If the
defaults (and you still need to configure LyX when you carefully take it out
of the box) are acceptable, then use it and ignore the traffic here. When
you want to do more, or customize the output to fit a specific need (e.g., a
thesis/dissertation template, journal template, whatever) and you need help,
just write and someone(s) will respond to you.

  This is, without doubt, one of the most useful mail lists to which I
subscribe. I learn as much by reading how others' problems are resolved as I
do when my problems are resolved. Also, if you're serious about using LyX
buy yourself a copy of "The LaTeX Companion, Second Edition" (TLC2). Not
only is it a complete reference but it will show you what you can do to make
the output match your design.

  Once things are set up, just write. The formatting, typesetting and other
heavy lifting is done for you.



Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)
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